Cancel OnStar

While we’re sorry to see you go, we promise to never stop working to bring you the technology that makes every drive better. And we’ll be here for you when you’re ready to come back!

Cancel OnStar

While we’re sorry to see you go, we promise to never stop working to bring you the technology that makes every drive better. And we’ll be here for you when you’re ready to come back!

How to cancel your OnStar subscription

You can cancel your account any time online by following the steps below, pushing your blue button or calling an advisor directly at 1.888.4ONSTAR (1.888.466.7827). 


Step 1. Log in to Owner Center and select OnStar.

Step 2. Open My Plans and then select the name of the plan you wish to cancel.

Step 3. Review your selection and click “cancel my plan.”

Plans perfect for everyone

Find a plan with features that fit your needs — and wants.


What happens to my payment if I cancel mid-month?

Cancellation will be effective at the end of the current service period.

Once I cancel, when will my services end?

Your services – including all emergency and safety services – will effectively end on the date on which you cancel.

How do I resubscribe to OnStar?

To resubscribe online, log in to Owner Center, select “My Plans” and click the plan you wish to reactivate. You can also push your blue button or call directly 1.888.4ONSTAR (1.888.466.7827) to speak to an advisor.