Helping people in the path of destruction

Jul 19, 2019

Helping people in the path of destruction

Jul 19, 2019

The weather of Dec. 1, 2018, will live in infamy for many Illinois residents. A week after early blizzards hammered the Midwest, an unusual string of 29 tornadoes hit the state within about 24 hours. According to the National Weather Service, it was the largest December tornado outbreak since 1957.


Instead of taking shelter that day, Indiana residents Aaron Brogan and Kayla Fuller ventured into the middle of the storm as members of the Live Storm Chasers team. “We want to be in the field, hands-on, always,” Fuller says.


“We’re going out there to document the storm and for public safety,” Brogan adds.


The couple live and breathe meteorology. Their first date was chasing a storm together, and they even named their dog Nader after the tornadoes they chase.


The pair shoot and post video to document storms, allowing scientists to study the weather dynamics. They also alert authorities to exact locations of tornado touchdowns so nearby residents can be warned. That’s why OnStar has become a go to service for helping their team and community. On Dec. 1, as the third tornado they saw that day touched down near LeRoy, Illinois, Brogan pushed his 2017 Chevrolet Cruze’s red Emergency button* to report it. OnStar alerted the local police while Brogan and Fuller captured footage of the tornado with their phones.


“We were out all day and night. The most rewarding thing, at the end of the day, is being able to help people,” Brogan says. “I can rely on OnStar to know where we are when we push the button. Plus, we know OnStar [Advisors are] there in case we get into trouble.”

Safety for all your adventures

Safety & Security gives you a 24/7 connection to Advisors, safety features for the road, and help wherever you go with the OnStar Guardian® app. 

Hanging on for safety in a flash flood

When Tammy’s car became caught in a flash flood, an OnStar Advisor gave life-saving advice to help her escape the raging waters.

5 Things to know about Crisis Assist

As natural disasters get bigger and more frequent, it’s good to know that OnStar is ready to help when disaster threatens. 

Safety for all your adventures

Safety & Security gives you a 24/7 connection to Advisors, safety features for the road, and help wherever you go with the OnStar Guardian® app. 

Hanging on for safety in a flash flood

When Tammy’s car became caught in a flash flood, an OnStar Advisor gave life-saving advice to help her escape the raging waters.

5 Things to know about Crisis Assist

As natural disasters get bigger and more frequent, it’s good to know that OnStar is ready to help when disaster threatens.